Mining & Energy Zone
Minerals Development Company Botswana (MDCB)
Minerals Development Mining Company (MDCB) is an investment company that holds and manages mining & minerals assets for the Government of Botswana (GRB).
Established as a commercial entity, the company is mandated and well positioned to grow, optimise and diversify its mining and minerals portfolio as well as facilitate the development of the local mining and minerals sector. MDCB also provides the GRB with commercial and technical advisory services.
The company’s vision is to be a globally competitive investment company, contributing to Botswana’s financial security through generation of attractive returns from a resilient mining and minerals investment portfolio by being an active, innovative and responsible shareholder.
MDCB, which is mandated to invest in and out of Botswana, has interests in Morupule Coal Mine Minergy Coal, De Beers Group and BCL.